Installation Views, Kenji Lim, Shivering Cloud, Galerie Reinthaler, 2022


Kenji Lim, geboren 1980 in Singapur, lebt und arbeitet in Essex (UK). Er studierte Bildhauerei am Londoner Royal College of Art (2017-2019) und der Ruskin School of Art, Oxford University (1999-2002).

Kenji Lims Werke wollen unsere Wahrnehmung von Landschaft und Natur durch kulturelle, mythologische, philosophische und metaphysische Prismen brechen, indem ein neuer Blick durch die Augen nicht-menschlicher Wesen auf bekannte westliche Kulturnormen geworfen wird. Lims melancholische und manchmal ironische Parallelwelten konzentrieren sich häufig auf ihre ökologischen und archäologischen Daseinsaspekte. Seine Skulpturen, Videos, digitale Collagen, Installationen und Malereien funktionieren dabei sowohl einzeln als auch als Gruppeninstallation


Kenji Lim is a British artist based in Essex, born 1980 in Singapore. He works through sculpture, video, digital collage, installation, and painting, to produce objects, animations, and images that operate both individually, and collectively as installation and assembly. Lim’s work reflects and refracts the experience of landscape and the natural world through the prisms of culture, myth, philosophy, and the metaphysical; returning the gaze of Western cultural norms through the eyes of other-than-human actors. Partly ecological and archeological, in turns melancholic and tongue in cheek, he navigates alternative modes of seeing, understanding, and interacting with the world and its inhabitants. 
Lim studied Sculpture at the Royal College of Art, London (MA - 2017-2019); and the Ruskin School of Art, Oxford University (BFA - 1999-2002). He is currently an Acme Work/Live Artist at High House in Purfleet, Essex. Recent exhibitions include Situated Deities at The Stone Space, London; Neverafter at Galerie Reinthaler, Vienna; and The Flood Machine at The Window Project, Cambridge.


Solo and Group Shows (selection)

Ten:th - Quip and Curiosity, Cambridge
TOURIST (mit Catharina Bond), Galerie Reinthaler, Wien


Shivering Cloud, Galerie Reinthaler, Vienna

There’s a Hole in My Neighbourhood, The London Arts Board, London


Situated Deities Selected for Alchemy Film Festival 2021
Situated Deities - The Stone Space, London (solo) 
Southwark Park Galleries, London

Enter Art Fair Copenhagen, solo presentation, Galerie Reinthaler 

Small Pleasures - DINA, Sheffield (online)
Arts Territory Exchange Sound Library - online
Biosphere Consciousness - Conscious Isolation, Instagram
Gardens of Earthly Delight, Instagram
Isolation - Conscious Isolation, Instagram
The Flood Machine - The Window Project, Cambridge

Something Written or Recorded - a_space_is_a_space, Instagram

Neverafter, Galerie Reinthaler, Wien (mit Catharina Bond)

Re - Southwark Park Galleries, London

Royal College of Art Degree Show - RCA Kensington, London

Dirty Hands and Revelations - Standpoint, London

Merzibition - Courtyard Gallery, RCA, London


#34 Annual Open Exhibition, CGP, London

Sleep and the Unconcious - Savoir Beds, London

Supercult I & II — Hockney Gallery, London


WIP - RCA Sculpture, London

Hanes: tales, stories, legends & myths - Aberystwyth Arts Centre

The Forest at the End of the World - Blue Ginger Gallery, Herefordshire

Embodied Cartographies - Walcot Chapel, Bath (part of Fringe Arts Bath)

Beasts of the Mabinogion - Oriel CRiC, Crickhowell

The Words Come From the Land - Porth

Melgan, St. Davids, Pembrokeshire

Art + Text - 44AD, Bath


Wells Art Contemporary 2016 - The Bishops Palace, Wells

Royal West of England Academy 164 Open Exhibition - RWA Bristol

Art Language Location - Cambridge

TimeFrame - 94 Walcot st, Bath (part of Fringe Arts Bath)

The Peace of Wild Things - Blue Ginger Gallery, Herefordshire


Art Language Location - Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge

Royal West of England Academy 163 Open Exhibition - RWA Bristol

Beginning Times - The Globe at Hay, Hay-on-Wye (solo)

Love and Death at Walcot Chapel - Walcot

Chapel, Bath (part of Fringe Arts Bath)


Art Gemini Prize 2014 Exhibition - Tri-Space Gallery, London

East-West Art Award Competition (EWAAC)

2014 Exhibition - La Galleria, London

At Home With Strangers - Design Festa Gallery, Tokyo (solo)


Fringe Arts Bath Open Exhibition - The Old Officer's Club, Bath


Ruskin Degree Show - Ruskin School, Oxford

Becks Futures Student Prize 2002 - ICA, London (and Touring)


Artist in Residencies, Publications and Awards


Arts Council England - Develop Your Creative Practice Grant


ACME Work/Live artist, Purfleet Essex (until 08/2024)

Mustarinda, Finland - Residency including Slow Travel Grant


Moonlight Is Sculpture - Publication

Dirty Hands and Revelations residency, Standpoint Gallery, London


Merz Barn Residency, Chapel Stile, Cumbria


Wells Art Contemporary 2016 - Shortlisted

Mustarinda, Finland - Residency


Art Language Location, ALL2015 award - Winner


ArtGeminiPrize 2014 - Shortlisted

East-West Art Award Competition (EWAAC) 2014 - Finalist


Becks Futures Student Prize 2002 - Shortlisted and placed 3rd

Enter Art Fair Copenhagen 2021, Kenji Lim (solo), Galerie Reinthaler, 2021

Installation shot: Catharina Bond, Kenji Lim, Neverafter. Galerie Reinthaler, 2019. Foto: Bond



Ulrike Königshofer, Tina Ribarits
September 12-15, 2024


TINA RIBARITS. Electric Entity

September 14 - October 25, 2024


Winner of "Outstanding Artist Award 2024", category art photography (BMKÖS)


Getreidemarkt 14

A-1010 Wien / Austria

T: +43 699 10681871




Tue - Fr 13.00 - 18.00
Sat 11.00 - 15.00
and on request


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